Infrastructure built to impact
7.86 million children in india
Gujarat Earthquake Aftermath
First Organization to rebuild 20 Schools in Kutch & Surendranagar (Bhuj) within 4 months. Azim Premji Foundation contributed Rs.80 Lacs on a total outlay of Rs.2.4 Crores
Operation Tsunami
RTI is only NGO entrusted by TN Government to work in Tsunami affected areas for rebuilding of schools. 126 Schools built at a cost of 25 Crores and commemorated in presence of His Excellency Governor Surjit Singh Barnala.
“Operation Sadhbhavana”
for Orissa Cyclone Relief in 1999-2000 – Construction of 4 Schools at a cost of Rs.2 Million directly by the Tables in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Subsequently another 6 Schools built.
Government Tie Ups
Credibility of FTE saw the Governments of AP, Karnataka, and TN commit to Round Table India, financial support up to 80% for any School development project taken-up.
Project Janmabhoomi
75 schools built in Andhra Pradesh under Project Janmabhoomi;
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Projects worth Rs.25 Million completed under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Tamil Nadu;
Project Pathshala
150 schools under Project Pathshala with Govt of Karnataka.
55 Classrooms & 22 Toilet Blocks
Recently 55 Classrooms & 22 Toilet Blocks inaugurated in Chennai at hands of Past President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Round Table Netherlands
100 Schools built at a cost of Rs.60 Million in matching partnership with Round Table Netherlands and doubling by International Aid Agencies like CORDAID & NOVIB
MV Foundation
22 Schools built in partnership with MV Foundation in Nalagonda and Ranga Reddy backward districts
Dutch World Tour for Children
Group of 45 Dutch Nationals traveled across the country. 18 Schools were built with Euro 90,000 contribution leading to total spending of Euro 300,000
New Business School, Amsterdam
New Business School, Amsterdam
contributed Euros 150K to build 15 Schools in Mah.,Chattisgarh& Gujarat
Freedom Through Education
‘Freedom Through Education’ has Twice been awarded the prestigious ‘Best National Project’ of World Council of Service Clubs (WOCO)… an umbrella organization of Community Service Associations across 80 Countries
Primary Partner for P&G Shiksha Program
Selected as Primary Partner for P&G Shiksha Program. P&G has contributed Rs.9 Crores within 2 years.
Infinity Foundation
Selected by Infinity Foundation for their CSR Program