Freedom Through Education

In India there are over 260 million children. Almost 100 million of them don’t get any vorm of education and have therefor no possibilities to get further in live even though this kids deserve the same options as we have.

Round Table India funded Freedom Through Education (FTE) in 1998 and is building schools in India to give this disadvantaged kids an education. There goal is to exterminate  illiteracy in India.

“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” (Nelson Mandela)

Round Table India is leading this project, but Round Table The Netherlands, Round Table Great Britain & Ireland and many other associations are also helping RT India with their fight for freedom of the kids in India through education.

Sinds 1998 there are 1.700 schools build with more than 4.700 classrooms. Our goal is to build over 7.000 classrooms before 2020 to give those 100 million children to a fair chance.